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Шоу Б.

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Jesse Russell

Australian federal election, 1917

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 100
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Federal elections were held in Australia on 5 May 1917. All 75 seats in the House of Representatives, and 18 of the 36 seats in the Senate were up for election. The incumbent Nationalist Party of Australia (a result of a merger between the Commonwealth Liberal Party and National Labor Party) led by Prime Minister of Australia Billy Hughes defeated the opposition Australian Labor Party led by Frank Tudor. Hughes became Prime Minister when Andrew Fisher retired, before leaving the ALP to form the National Labor Party and then the Nationalist Party. The election was fought in the aftermath of the 1916 plebiscite on Conscription in Australia, which had been narrowly defeated. The ALP split on conscription had led the pro-conscription Hughes to form his own party, with the ALP suffering a large swing against it. It was the largest majority in the Australian parliament since federation. Данное издание представляет собой компиляцию сведений,...
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Государство и право

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