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Jesse Russell

Healthy Americans Act

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 108
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Healthy Americans Act (HAA), also known as the Wyden-Bennett Act, is a Senate bill that proposes to improve health care in the United States, including the establishment of universal health care. It would transition away from employer-provided health insurance, to employer-subsidized insurance, having instead individuals choose their health care plan from state-approved private insurers. It intends to make the cost of health insurance more transparent to consumers, with the expectation being that this would increase market pressures to drive health insurance costs down. The proposal creates a system that would be paid for by both public and private contributions. It would establish Healthy Americans Private Insurance Plans (HAPIs) and require those who do not already have health insurance coverage, and who do not oppose health insurance on religious grounds, to enroll themselves and their children in a HAPI. According to its sponsors, it...
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