Учение - только свет, по народной пословице, - оно также и свобода. Ничто так не освобождает человека, как знание...
Тургенев И. С.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Jesse Russell

Royal Australian Artillery

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 101
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery, normally referred to as the Royal Australian Artillery (RAA), is a corps of the Australian Army descended from the original colonial artillery units prior to Australia's federation. Australia’s first guns were landed from HMS Sirius and a small earthen redoubt built, near the present day Macquarie Place, to command the approaches to Sydney Cove. The deployment of these guns represents the origins of artillery in Australia. These and subsequent defences, as well as field guns, were operated by marines and the soldiers of infantry regiments stationed in Australia. The first Royal Artillery unit arrived in Australia in 1856 and began a succession of gunner units which ended with the withdrawal of the imperial forces in 1870 resulting in the raising of 'A' Field Battery, NSW Artillery in 1871. The First World War saw the raising of 60 field, 20 howitzer and two siege batteries along with the heavy and...
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Эрмитаж приглашает на лекцию!
25 октября в 19.00 Лекторий Государственного Эрмитажа приглашает на лекцию к временной выставке [Livre d0Сrtiste. Выставка книг из собрания Марка Башмаковаk.

Эрмитаж выпустил коллекцию мировых шедевров в Telegram-стикерах
Создатели вдохновились автопортретами и картинами Рембрандта, Матисса и Пикассо