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Jesse Russel

Editing of anime in American distribution

Книга по Требованию, 2012
Страниц: 68
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Editing of anime in American distribution describes the process of altering anime to prepare it to be distributed in the United States (and sometimes also Canada) and forms part of the process of localization. This process is generally applied only to series intended for broadcast on American television; series released directly to DVD are not subject to such alterations. On top of the translation of dialogue into English, this process commonly includes censoring audio/visual content to adhere to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and television network regulations and standards and editing content to conform to American cultural norms or to prepare it for distribution to a younger audience than it was originally intended. This type of editing may involve removing nudity or sexual innuendo, removing violent scenes, removing profanity, and/or the making of changes for reasons of racial and religious sensitivities. Данное издание...

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