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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Veronika Minkova

Low Cost Carriers - Business Model, Impacts of its Expansion and Challenges. Analysis of the European Low Cost Carriers

Страниц: 88
Формат: 148x210
The present thesis aims at analysing the European Low Cost Carriers (LCCs) business model from the perspective of its rapid expansion on the air travel market. In conjunction with the liberalisation of commercial aviation the LCCs' impacts on the European community have been identified in line with the sustainable transport concept recognized as a common goal in the two European Commission's strategic documents: Lisbon Agenda and European Sustainable Development Strategy.
The European low cost model is examined in terms; its business model and strategic positioning; the LCCs' positive and negative impacts after its rapid growth; the sector dynamics and its long term sustainability. This LCC multi-dimensional view imposes the main questions of the current work in search for broad analysis of the LCCs trend: "What are the essential characteristics of the LCCs business model?";" How it affects the EU community?"; and "What driving forces stand behind the LCCs model?".
The thesis sets itself the following sub-objectives and attempts to answer their corresponding questions:
- Overview of the European]]>
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