То, что мы знаем, - ограничено, а то, чего мы не знаем, - бесконечно.

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Brent Eldridge


Страниц: 84
Description:Every organization wants to achieve the kind of success that leads to greater success, and every leader wants to guide a successful venture. Leaders with drive want to be surrounded by people who have an overarching desire to expand all boundaries and utilize their talents for the good of the goal. Effective team members see problems as challenges, boundaries as movable, and the synergism of the team as a way to reach their goals. It's important to note, however, that a group of people working together toward a common goal will not necessarily make a team. They might merely be ""a group of people working toward a common goal."" I am completely committed to the team concept in the workplace. Obviously, much more can be accomplished by a finely tuned team of people than can be accomplished by one person; but more than that, people thrive when they are in an environment that values a team approach to the tasks at hand. Establishing and cultivating the concept of team in and among those you oversee will spark a fresh fire of productivity that will be as noticeable as it is enjoyable.About the Contributor(s):Brent Eldridge is a sought-after conference speaker and has begun to consult with a variety of organizations on building cohesive teams. He serves as the lead pastor at First Baptist Church of Lakewood in Long Beach. He lives in southern California with his wife, Kristin, and their three young children.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Именные стипендии по приоритетным направлениям учреждены
Недавно был подписан президентом Российской Федерации Дмитрием Медведевым новый указ, направленный на назначение с нового года именных стипендий в высших учебных заведениях страны, занимающихся подготовкой специалистов по пяти наиболее значащим направлениям модернизации российской экономики.

Закон "Об образовании" принят в первом чтении
В среду 17 октября Государственная Дума приняла в первом чтении проект закона "Об образовании в РФ", который служит для определения четкой системы уровней образования от дошкольного до послевузовского, сохраняя при этом единый государственный экзамен.