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Brian Barnier

The Operational Risk Handbook for Financial Companies. A Guide to the New World of Performance-Oriented Operational Risk

Страниц: 278
The Operational Risk Handbook for Financial Companies is a groundbreaking new book. It seeks to apply for the first time a range of proven operational risk techniques from other industries and disciplines to the troubled territory of financial services.Operational risk expert Brian Barnier introduces a range of sophisticated, dependable and - crucially - approachable tools for risk evaluation, risk response and risk governance. He provides a more robust way of gaining a better picture of risks, shows how to build risk-return awareness into decision making, and how to fix (and not just report) risks.The practical importance of fully understanding and acting on risk to the business begins in the foreword on plan-B thinking, penned by Marshall Carter, chairman of the NYSE and deputy chairman of NYSE Euronext.The book is unique because:- It is not just about modeling and a few basic tools derived from regulatory requirements. Instead, it looks at management of risk to operations across industries, professional disciplines and history to help ops risk leaders become aware of the entire landscape of proven experience, not just their own conference room.- It is not just about compliance. Instead, it looks to operations as part of performance - managing risk to return for shareholders and other interests (e.g. guarantee funds).- It is not content to look at risk in stand-alone segments or silos; instead it takes a systems approach.- It is not just about ops risk leaders sharing war s...
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Именные стипендии по приоритетным направлениям учреждены
Недавно был подписан президентом Российской Федерации Дмитрием Медведевым новый указ, направленный на назначение с нового года именных стипендий в высших учебных заведениях страны, занимающихся подготовкой специалистов по пяти наиболее значащим направлениям модернизации российской экономики.

Закон "Об образовании" принят в первом чтении
В среду 17 октября Государственная Дума приняла в первом чтении проект закона "Об образовании в РФ", который служит для определения четкой системы уровней образования от дошкольного до послевузовского, сохраняя при этом единый государственный экзамен.