Чтобы быть хорошим преподавателем, нужно любить то, что преподаешь, и любить тех, кому преподаешь.
В. Ключевски

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Francis Groves

Corporate Actions - A Concise Guide. An Introduction to Securities Events

Страниц: 232
Corporate actions are normally considered as incidental to the business of investing and marketing investments, but in fact they are highly relevant. The aim of this concise guide is to define what corporate actions are, list and describe the main corporate actions and show how individual corporate actions are applied to investors' holdings of securities. This will give an overview of the way in which the corporate actions processing function works both in the UK and other important global markets.The guide is designed to be an introduction to corporate actions for investment industry practitioners in general. Those starting out in corporate actions processing will find it a helpful outline, but it is also designed to be useful for all who encounter corporate actions tangentially in disciplines such as fund management or financial advice provision. Different industry participants have differing interests in corporate actions, and for the sake of consistency the guide is (mainly) written from the point of view of the beneficial owners of securities. The first section of the book deals exclusively with equity corporate actions, providing the definitions of a corporate action and the legal framework(s) underpinning corporate actions, followed by a look at the most significant actions one by one, and then a detailed examination of the staging of some of these. The corporate actions of debt securities are given separate treatment later in the book. Next the focus moves from th...
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