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Adekunle Adewole

An Investigation into Project Management Approach of Benefit Provision

Страниц: 128
Формат: 152x220
This book investigates the possible use of Project Management approach in the provision of welfare benefits in the UK. Many studies of the welfare system have shown it to be regressive and remove the incentive to work. However, it appears stakeholders are only willing to 'chase smoke' rather than develop solutions. The coalition government seem to be taking bolder steps than previous ones in solving issues associated with welfare benefits. Yet, many observers have commented that the government appears not to adequately engage with those affected by benefit reforms. It is on this background that the study was initiated to explore the root causes of the socio-economic problems attributable to employment related benefits. The study is undertaken to investigate and propose an acceptable intervention to the claimants and other stakeholders whilst ensuring the socio-economic strains caused by the specific classes of benefits are minimised. The analyses of the various methods used suggest the individual should take greater responsibility for their situation. There is a limit to what a government can do for a section of its citizens without causing disproportionate effects on the rest.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Пирамиды были хранилищами алмазов?
ЕгипетскиеP пирамидыP – главное чудо света. Кто-то полагает, что их строили самовлюбленные фараоны для собственного захоронения, другие утверждают, что в конструкции пирамид волшебники-атланты зашифровали магические знания о тайнах вселенной, а некоторые вспоминают про инопланетян, дескать, не под силу землянам возводить столь грандиозные сооружения. Археологи ведут раскопки, фантасты пишут книги, казалось бы, трудно здесь удивить нас [...]

Новый самолет в 20 раз превышает скорость звука
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