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В. Гумбольдт

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Thomas Schommers

An Outlook on Asian Integration- Are the development of FDI and FTA between Japan, China, Republic of Korea and ASEAN indicators for further integration of the Asian economy?

Страниц: 88
The three largest regional economies, North America, Europe and Asia haveevolved along different integration paths. North America has NAFTA which isa preferential trade area, Europe has the EU which is an economic union, butAsia, what does it have and where is it going? China, Japan and South-Koreahave operated relatively independently, each with its own trade policies andsome bi-lateral agreements. ASEAN has preferential trade agreements amongits members, but the small countries still struggle to compete with China.Companies have used Asia to reduce their manufacturing costs and havecontributed to Asian economies through foreign direct investment. FDI canbe quickly impacted by changes in trade/tariff policies. The book explores thesimilarities and differences between Asia and the other large economies,including trade policy development and FDI flow, to predict what a likelyoutcome may be for future trade policies in Asia. This book would be helpfulto company managers of international corporations and industry groups thatare dealing with the effects that tariffs have on them as foreign investors inAsia and as competitors to Asian manufactures and firms.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Янь Чжан: причиной воспалительных заболеваний кишечника может быть микропластик
Известно, что сегодня микропластик специалисты находят повсюду. Новое исследование китайских ученых обнаружило взаимосвязь между этими частицами и воспалительными заболеваниями кишечника (ВЗК) 0язвенным колитом и болезнью Крона, природа которых точно не известна.

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Сделать выводы о внешнем виде ос, возраст которых равен 99 миллионам лет, позволила просветка с помощью микроскопа трех десятков кусочков янтаря, который относится к меловому периоду. Камни были обнаружены на севере Мьянмы.