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Гюго В.

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Karl Kaup

Wandlungen in der Eisenerzversorgung der Nachkriegszeit. Gegenwartige Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaufgaben der Eisen- und Stahlerzeugung

Страниц: 106
Книга "Wandlungen in der Eisenerzversorgung der Nachkriegszeit. Gegenw?rtige Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaufgaben der Eisen- und Stahlerzeugung".Besides coke, iron ore is the most important raw material for the iron and steel industry. With the increase in crude steel production, world consumption of iron ore, during recent years, has arrived at a figure of approximately 550 million tpy. Since the end of World War II there has been a pronounced shift in ore supply towards overseas sources. In 1964, the overseas trade of the western steel manufacturing countries has handled 137 million tons, with the German Federal Republic receiving more than 28 million tons. The tremendous development in the field of transportation has been a decisive factor in opening the way to overseas mines. Vessels of between 30.000 and 60.000 deadweight tons are quite common today as ore carriers, while vessels of up to 100.000 dwt are already on the drawing board. Furthermore, due attention must be paid to the efficiency of inland trans­ portation, i. e., railroad construction and ore haulage from the mine to the port of loading; capacity of the port installations at both terminals, and transport from the port of discharge to the blast furnace plant (pusher navigation).
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
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Что делать, если завелись глисты у животного
Борьба с паразитарными инвазиями 0Pпроще говоря, с глистами у животных 0Pявляется постоянной головной болью владельцев домашних кошек и собак. Лариса Лукина, ветеринарный врач клиники [Верные друзьяk, специально для наших читателей рассказывает о том, как сделать эту борьбу за здоровье своего любимца максимально эффективной и безопасной.