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Brian Kettell

Monetary Economics

Страниц: 392
rhe Banking and Finance Series has been written for students who are preparing for the Associateship of the Institute of Bankers. The structure of the series follows the syllabus closely. Although the emphasis is on the Institute of Bankers' examinations the series is also relevant to students for other professional examinations such as the different Accountancy Bodies, Chartered Secretaries, Diploma in Public Administration, undergraduate business courses, BTEC, BEC, HND, DMS, Stock Exchange courses, Associ­ ation of Corporate Treasurers, Institute of Freight Forwarders, Institute of Export. Brian Kettell May 1985 Series Editor xi Preface This book has been written for students who are preparing for the Associate­ ship of the Institute of Bankers. The structure of the book follows closely the syllabus for Monetary Economics, but is also relevant for some of the Stage I papers. In addition it is also directly relevant to the Monetary Economics Paper for the Association of Corporate Treasurers. Although the emphasis has been on the Institute of Bankers examination the book covers the monetary economics courses taught in Advanced Level Economics, and is relevant to students for the finals of other professional examinations such as the different Accountancy Bodies, the Chartered Secretaries, and the Diploma in Public Administration.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Экологичный способ подготовки соломы для производства биотоплива запатентовали ученые НИ ИрГТУ
В настоящее время ученые кафедры химии и пищевой технологии ИрГТУ совместно с коллегами из Сибирского института физиологии и биохимии растений СО РАН подбирают микроорганизмы, позволяющие осуществить брожение полученных сахаров для производства биотоплива - биобутанола.

Экологичные удобрения и безуглеродное топливо становятся ближе кPреальности
Перевод основных положений публикации представлен изданием discover24.ru. Чуть более 100 лет назад человечество научилось извлекать азот из атмосферы (там, где его много) и превращать его в аммиак, который можно использовать в качестве источника удобрения для выращивания продуктов питания.