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Markovic Ljubo

Methods for Multicriteria Evaluation

Страниц: 68
Формат: 152x220
Since the dawn of man, people have been facing the problems of selection of an optimum alternative, evaluation and ranking. The main purpose of the research presented in this book is to explain the role and significance of multi-criteria decision-making method on a real-life example. It presents theoretical postulates of multi-criteria evaluation with special emphasis on multi-attribute evaluation and multi-attribute decision-making methods (VIKOR, PROMETHEE-GAIA and MAVT). The most favourable variant solution of E-763 highway route at the entrance to Belgrade (the left bank of the Sava River - LOS and the right bank of the Sava River - DOS) has been selected using the three methods. Ranking has been made based on 20 criteria which make the foundation of each alternative evaluation. In this manner the methods have proved a successful tool in the selection of the most favourable alternative. The calcuation was made using VIKOR programme package, Decision Lab programme and MATLAB Decision Theory Toolbox and then the results obtained have been analyzed.
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