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Бэкон Ф.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Ali Mudassar

Role of Information Technology in Retaining Customers

Страниц: 72
Формат: 152x220
Customer relationship management has a great impact and playing its important role in the success of achieving organizational objectives. The main purpose of every business organization is to earn more profit by offering excellent and quality of services or goods and generating revenue by maximizing sales. The profit margin has direct relationship with the sales and sales depend on the number of customers and their satisfaction. Although the role of marketing department, management, accounts department and their strategies have also great influence on the sales. But the customer relationship management role has also great impact on client's satisfaction, client's retention and capturing new clients from target market. Client's repetition and their satisfaction level always play important role in increasing the volume of sales. Customer relation management is responsible for the client's satisfaction and capturing new clients and handling their complaints. The staff of customer relationship management has direct interface with the clients and in such a way they can also play important role in retention and capturing new client.
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