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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Aramia Asmar, Claudia Fernandez

Nurturing Innovation in Globalized Corporations

Страниц: 104
Формат: 152x220
The capability to innovate and to carry innovation successfully down to markets will undoubtedly be a crucial determinant of the global competition among firms in the few upcoming years. There is growing awareness among business leaders that innovative activity is the main driver of economic growth as well as a potential factor in meeting global market challenges. But for innovation to flourish, companies need to understand the core of innovation and the role organizational factors play in the process of innovation. In this book, we examined organizational structure, forms of innovation and competencies and capabilities and innovation. Two case studies, Kraft Foods and Qualcomm, were presented to carry out our research. Through a review of relevant literature, a theoretical framework, upon which the research model, the survey and interview questions were based, was constructed. Interviews were conducted with eight corporate executives, while the survey was executed with 20 respondents from various departments of each firm. Interviews data was analyzed with qualitative method while the collected responses from survey were analyzed with statistical hypothesis testing method
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Бизнес образование

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Советы при составлении резюме
Резюме – это ваша дополнительная визитная карточка. Оно является, некоторым образом, отражением вашей трудовой книжки, и от того, насколько правильно оно будет составлено, во многом зависят шансы при поиске новой работы.

Словари в онлайновом режиме
Словари – необходимая составляющая при понимании другого языка. А для тех, кто занимается переводом профессионально, такие справочники являются инструментами его работы.