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Lukas Strauch

Public Private Partnership in European Road Infrastructure

Страниц: 112
Формат: 152x220
Public private partnerships (PPPs) have become a viable and innovative scheme for developing infrastructure assets throughout the world in recent years. After PPPs being implemented predominantly in Western European regions, at present project sponsors, banks, investors, insurances and governments start tapping the growing Eastern European region with this promising scheme for infrastructure development. The potential for road infrastructure investments is enormous. How does the PPP scheme work? How are PPPs structured in road projects and which risks can be shared? What is the market potential in figures? What makes road as asset class special and which investment opportunities arise? For answering these questions the author Lukas Strauch leads the reader from explanatory theory over analysis of facts and figures towards praxis and implementation. The author analyses the M6 motorway project in Hungary as a state of the art PPP road project in Eastern European transition countries. The book targets people interested in project finance and infrastructure topics, students of business studies and professionals in infrastructure related business across private and public sectors.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

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Рефераты для студентов. Медицина
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Приветствую Вас! В сегодняшний уикенд готов представить довольно полезную книгу для любого студента. На этот раз будем изучать психологию. Кашапов Р.Р, автор книги, смело предлагает нам овладетьЧитать дальше... Copyright Y 2011, Студент отличник. Блог успешного студента. Все права защищены. | Постоянная ссылка | Хотите узнать больше? Посмотреть все записи в категории Полезные книги.