Мы берем на хранение чужие мысли и знания, только и всего. Нужно, однако, сделать их собственными.
М. Монтень

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Debasish K. Das, Champa B. Dutta

Labor Market Dynamics in Bangladesh

Страниц: 76
Формат: 152x220
This research examines the important issue of labor market dynamics of Bangladesh during 1987-2009. First, it investigates the relevance of Phillips curve and analyzes the two important extension of original Phillips Curve i.e. expectation augmented and supply shock augmented Phillips curve.The analysis derives the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU) of Bangladesh following the Ball-Mankiw approach. Second, it looks the issue of wage inequality in manufacturing, construction and agriculture sector of Bangladesh in various dimensions. Result shows that the theme of Phillips curve is consistent in Bangladesh economy. Unemployment rate, unemployment gap, change in exchange rate are negatively related with inflation whereas lagged inflation and change in international price of crude oil is positively related. Inflation lag has a relatively higher impact on inflation dynamics. With sectoral wage disparity there is large wage gap between skilled and unskilled labor. The urban-rural wage differential is severe in manufacturing sector as compared to construction and agriculture sector.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

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В начале этого месяца вышел новый рейтинг лучших ВУЗов мира 2011-2012 (THE World University Rankings 2011-2012), который составлен влиятельным в сфере образования приложением британской газеты Times - Times Higher Education - при участии информационной группы Thomson Reuters. В рейтинг вошли всего 400 университетов мира.