Образование придает человеку достоинство, да и раб начинает сознавать, что он не рожден для рабства.
Дидро Д.

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N. Rajasekaran

Optimization in Portfolio Management

Страниц: 124
Формат: 152x220
This study seeks to discern the complexities in the stock market and makes an attempt to understand the importance of in the economic growth and development of the emerging economies. The study uses Markowitz theorem to understand the expected returns and risk in the stock market. It explicates that there is very significant level of systemic risk rather than non-systematic risk in the Indian stock market. This analysis also expounds that Indian investors are very intelligent in overcoming the systematic risk through their net selectivity skills. The Indian stock market also graduated to Efficient market as it responds fast to publicly and privately available information. This is also substantiated with the help of portfolio evaluation ratios like Sharpe ratio, Treynor's Ratio and Jensen's measure. The decomposition of risk was also done with the help of Fama's decomposition of total risk and return ratios. It also reiterated that there is very high systematic risk and non-systemic risk is relatively less. It suggests that there is a need to increase the market capitalization in India to diversify the risks as the market is highly volatile and efficient.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Эффективность отваров из полыни против коронавируса COVID-19 доказана
Биологи из Политехнического института Вустера под руководством Памелы Уэзерс решили проверить экстракты полыни, используемые в Африке для лечения малярии, на инфицированных коронавирусом культурах клеток.

Эффективность масок против коронавируса доказали тесты на хомяках
Китайские ученые смогли доказать высокую эффективность медицинских масок в борьбе с коронавирусом. Для этого им пришлось провести эксперимент на хомяках, сообщает South China Morning Post. В исследовании приняли участие 52 хомяка.