Кто ни о чем не спрашивает, тот ничему не научится.
Т. Фуллер

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Divine Economy And Its Real World Economic Principles

Страниц: 76
Формат: 152x220
Divine Economy And It's Real World Economic Principles is a book that reorients economic thinking. It is an intriguing and satisfying read for those interested in business ethics and economics or for those interested in philosophy or religion. The Divine Economy Model presented in Chapter Two will change your impression of economics. Economics has been called the 'dismal science' but the Divine Economy Model will instead make you see economics as bright and hopeful.Chapter One builds the case for the parallel emergence of humankind and the economy. It introduces their spiritual foundations.Chapter Two lays out the Divine Economy Model which is an original and significant contribution to economic science.Chapter Three demonstrates how real world economic principles are interconnected and how the Divine Economy Model helps to show their symmetry and reciprocity.Chapter Four identifies new directions in education and law that will serve to unbind the restraints, which greatly retard prosperity. The moral authority of the divine economy springs from human rights, which are the mirror images of property rights. The economic policies derived from the Divine Economy Model are useful for inaugurating social change, see www.divineeconomyconsulting.com.
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Бизнес образование

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