Великое искусство научиться многому - это браться сразу за немногое.
Д. Локк

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Victoria Calvert

Living Natural And Stress-Free in the 21st Century. You Can Have the Cake and Eat it Too - Without Getting PHAT

Страниц: 332
Формат: 152x220
About the book: This is not a "politically correct" book. It's a candid, realistic book that touches upon both human nature and Mother Nature and was designed for people who are serious about living stress-free and natural. The majority of our society is stressed out or overwhelmed and living an unnatural lifestyle. Three dilemmas usually accompany this lifestyle. 1) Finding time to do the things you really want to do seems impossible.2) You're trying to keep up with the Jones's.3) You're trying to do it all and have it all to impress others and fulfill their expectations instead of your own. You don't have to do it all and have it all to be happy. We weren't placed on this earth to prove anything to anyone. The Superperson complex can take its toll on your health and your relationships. Unnecessary stress can cause depression and illness. What is so great about having a big house, perfect wardrobe, and a successful career, without good health, contentment, relaxation, and fun? There is another way to live without giving up anything important in your life! That is, if you can prioritize your wants, needs and desires according to your expectations. Living a more natural, less-complicated lifestyle is the ultimate solution. This book provides a comprehensive view of the ultimate solution and the tools needed to start your new journey of fulfillment.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

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