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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Pravat Kuri, Arindam Laha


Страниц: 116
Формат: 152x220
Arunachal Pradesh, a State in North East India, is well known for its biodiversity. Its rich flora and fauna are intricately related to the lives and traditions of the people of Arunachal. However, in recent year, along with economic development, government sponsored urbanization; technological development and the penetration of market have led to the growing depletion of common property resources which have far reaching consequences upon rural poverty and environmental degradation. This study attempts to quantify the importance of common property resources in the economy of Arunachal Pradesh and its impact to rural poverty and environmental degradation. The study also focuses on the participatory approach to resource management which is found to have the potentialities to provide sufficient incentive to the community members to use the resource base optimally and to reduce the problems of free-ridership and opportunism for its conservation. This book is expected to satisfy the needs of the students and scholars of Economics, Resources, Environment and Anthropology. Moreover, the findings of the study are expected to be useful to the academicians, planners and policy makers.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Правильный подход к выбору няни
Когда встает вопрос о поиске няни, не спешите брать на работу первую попавшуюся кандидатуру. Это очень ответственный шаг.

Правильный выбор бизнес-школы
На сегодняшний день в мире насчитывается порядка пяти тысяч программ МВА. Поэтому если вы решили получить степень магистра делового администрирования (МВА) нужно для начала определиться с выбором «своей» единственной программ.