Как было бы похвально, если бы люди столько же упражняли свой мозг, сколько упражняют тело, и так же рьяно стремились к добродетели, как они стремятся к удовольствиям.

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Matthew Scott

Bitcoin. The Complete Guide to Understanding BlockChain Technology

Страниц: 122
Block chain is one of those technologies that only come out once in a blue moon. In other words; it is an extremely rare form of innovation, the likes of which we haven’t seen in a while, and are not likely to see for some time again. It has been likened to be a second internet. Not too bad for an application that initially came as a mere side affect of a then unknown digital currency known as Bitcoin. These are all some pretty heavy and heady (yes I said both those words I one sentence!) topics that Mathew Scott tackles for us in this book and he manages to encapsulate the basics of them all extraordinarily well. Where other books merely highlight the most simplistic use cases of block chain, this book actually lifts up the hood and gives you a direct view of the engine that allows block chain technology to run. If you would like to really learn the ins and outs of block chain technology then Mathew Scott’s comprehensive guide is for you! Learn how the public ledger of the block chain is being used in banking, medical records, smart contracts, and even as a future broker and intermediary of the oft talked about “Internet of Things”. These mathematically sealed blocks of data, whose first framework was dropped off by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto back in 2008 are on the verge of changing the world. Get this book to find out how you can be at the forefront of this revolution! In this book you will learn how you can:Use the Block Chain for Personal DataEntrust Cryptography fo...
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