Наука требует всего человека, без задних мыслей, с готовностью все отдать и в награду получить тяжелый крест трезвого знания.
Герцен А. И.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Canadian College For Leadership, Management CCLM

Certified Sales Professional CSLP BoK

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What is Certified Sales Professional "CSLP" Certification?Certified Sales Professional "CSLP" is a certification for professionals who demonstrate knowledge, skills and CSLP-Wcompetencies in sales and business development as per the requirements of the Canadian College for Leadership & Management "CCLM".CSLP's are experts in leads generation and deals closure. They make excellent sales pitches, read their clients body signs smartly, develop great proposals and present them with a wow effect. CSLP becomes the de-facto for sales professional around the world.What is the CSLP Certification Body of Knowledge?The CSLP BoK comprises of various themes of knowledge and skills which a CSLP must demonstrate competency in. A CSLP:-Understands the basics of sales, makes calls, prepares excellent sales pitches and seals a deal.-Overcomes challenges in the sales cycle, influences clients and reaches an agreement.-Understands basics of proposals, develops solid proposals using various tools and solid process.-Presents your solution or product with confidence using various tools and delivers wow moments to help seal a deal.-Negotiates for the best, and under stress with difficult clients. Learns how to win sales deal.s-Effectively communicates with peers, managers, subordinates and clients, using both verbal and none-verbal communication skills.-Masters body language for self and others. Learns how to translate facial, hands and other body signs to support lea...
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В Млечном пути нашли [зоны жизниk
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