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Andreas Heller

Fragile, Error-Prone And Idiosyncratic Behaviour. Informational Cascades

Страниц: 80
Формат: 148x210
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: Macroeconomics deals with the behaviour of the economy altogether and concentrates on fundamental and actual economic problems. Microeconomics deals with the behaviour of individuals and the aggregation of their actions in different institutional frameworks. Thus, both micro- and macroeconomics are doctrines to describe and understand individuals? behaviour, activities and outcomes. So, why does one try to better understand? ?Individuals are curious?, is a popular explanation. Another is that understanding may lead to a better outcome for individuals. There exist a lot of patterns of behaviour. One behaviour pattern is the so-called uniform behaviour. Imitation and mimicry belong to the basic instincts of every human being. Indeed, these patterns do not make immediate sense in terms of traditional macro- or microeconomic models. Still, they may be rational for an individual or a group of individuals. Learning by observing other individuals? past actions and decisions may be of help to explain some otherwise puzzling phenomena about human behaviour. Apprehending individuals? behaviour is not straightforward. It is not only profit or utility maximising that drives individuals? minds. Sometimes, individuals just act because others act. An Informational Cascade is a situation in which every subsequent individual, based on the observation of others, makes the same choice or decision independent of his private information. Informational Cascades are present ...
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Бизнес образование

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Экологи Приморья хотят купить оленей и кроликов для обучения тигрицы
"Золушка должна ежемесячно получать как минимум двух, а то и трех-четырех оленей или кабанов, плюс енотовидных собак, барсуков и кроликов", - отмечается в релизе. О том, как можно перечислить средства, можно узнать на сайте Фонда "Феникс".

Экипаж [Союзаk успешно приземлился в Казахстане
Корабль [СоюзkPсPтремя космонавтами успешно приземлилсяPвPКазахстане северо-восточнее Жезказгана. Об этом объявилиPвPЦУПеPвPпятницу вечером. ВPсоставе вернувшегося экипажа: россиянин Олег Кононенко, японец Кимия Юи и американец Челл Линдгрен. После приземления космонавтов осмотрели военные медики.