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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Francesco Pastore

The Youth Experience Gap. Explaining National Differences in the School-to-Work Transition

Страниц: 108
tunnel around the world. However, this book shows that there are striking differences between countries: in Germany, the young people of today are no worse off than their adult counterparts, while in Southern European and
Eastern European countries they fare 3 through 4 times worse.The current economic and financial crisis has further exacerbated the situation for young people in many advanced economies. Observers are divided
as to the optimal design of youth employment policy. Liberalists believe that the market itself should address youth disadvantages. More flexible labor markets should also guarantee greater labor turnover, including temporary
work, so as to allow young people to move from one job to the next until they accumulate the work experience they need to become more employable and find the right career. In contrast, other economists oppose approaches
focusing on entry flexibility and temporary work, claiming that the former type helps only the most skilled and motivated target groups, while the latter only allows young people to gather generic, not job-specific work experience.]]>
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