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Катон Старший

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Benedikt R?mer

On technological change and the energy transition challenge. studies on patents, business models, technology adoption, and diffusion barriers

Страниц: 180
Формат: 148x210
Energy systems worldwide are on the brink of their largest transformation since the construction of today's electricity grids. This dissertation includes four studies on managerial and economic aspects of this transition.The first study focuses on smart grid technologies, compares inventive activities in OECD countries and tests hypotheses with a panel data regression model. The second study reviews literature on business models for renewable energies in developing and industrialized countries and provides an overview of key drivers, barriers and business opportunities. Study three analyzes the technology adoption of electricity storage systems with a quantitative large-scale user study. The fourth study uses qualitative expert interviews and emphasizes the importance of positive externalities for the diffusion of smart grid enabling technologies.This book helps to better understand the challenges in the transition of energy systems and to successfully craft necessary strategies.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
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