Как на куче мусора, выброшенного на большую дорогу, может вырасти лотос, сладкопахнущий и радующий ум, так ученик поистине просветлённого выделяется мудростью среди слепых посредственностей, среди существ, подобных мусору.
Будда Гаутама Шакьямуни

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

Для связи: info@vuz-uchebniki.ru

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Robert Randall

A Guide to Making Rational Environmental Economics Decisions in Five Easy Steps

Страниц: 62
Формат: 152x220
After a career of more than 30 years with a top Fortune 500 company using that very same technique to convert an environmental program from a cost center to a revenue generator, Dr. Randall is openly sharing that technique. As organizations face greater challenges to control spending while meeting more dramatic demands to go "green" this simple, comprehensive guide will help any organization attain the greatest economic efficiency by making rational assessments about what activities it should, or should not, pursue. After presenting some background information, you will be taken step-by-step through a mock refined benefit-cost analysis. Each organization is different and has its own set of dynamics; therefore, it will be up to each analyst to determine what variables to include or exclude from the benefit-cost model. Clear definitions are included in table form to assist in the assignment of variables.
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