Мы не знаем, долго ли просуществуют земля и небо, но знаем, что всегда 3 и 7 будет 10.
Августин Аврелий

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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John Kuada

Managing Human Resources in Ghana. A Guide for Foreign Executives

Страниц: 164
This book seeks to explore the managerial challenges that foreign executives may experience in Ghana from a cultural perspective. It also provides current and future executives with some guidelines for coping successfully within the Ghanaian environment. The discussions in this book are predicated on the understanding that foreign executives may experience some tensions between the Ghanaian culture/management practices and the values and policies that they are likely to bring to the country. Thus, by gaining insight into the culturally grounded reasons underlying Ghanaian managers’ behaviour, foreign executives may be better able to determine appropriate changes in management practices within their host organizations and be more successful in implementing these changes. Issues discussed include: • Cultural concept and impact on managerial decisions• Cultural influences on employee behaviours • Leadership style and relati¬onships with Ghanaian employees• Recruitment and career path development• Learning and training• Motivation • Organizational change• Collaboration and trust_______________John Kuada is Professor of International Management at Aalborg University, Department of Business and Management, Denmark. He holds two doctorate degrees – PhD from Copenhagen Business School, and Dr Merc from Aalborg University. He has extensive experience as a business consultant and training advisor in areas of management, marketing and cross-border inter-firm relations in Europe and Afri...
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