Науки юношей питают, Отраду старцам подают, В счастливой жизни украшают, В несчастный случай берегут...
Ломоносов М. В.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Esmonde Holowaty

Unleash The Billionaire Within. Learn the Mastermind Principles for Acquiring Wealth Beyond Imagination

Страниц: 616
Формат: 152x220
It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I present to you "Unleash The Billionaire Within". UTBW is the nuclear modern day "Think and Grow Rich" for our times and times to come. UTBW was created by modeling the results of studying men and women who have studied the wealthiest and most successful people in the world, people such as Napolean Hill, Andrew Carnegie, Anthony Robbins, Warren Buffet, and Bill Gates to mention a few. UTBW teaches it's reader to think into the unimaginable and to realize that they already possess the power within themselves to turn this knowledge into abundant power for acquiring anything they so desire. Each and every one of us is standing right over our own abundant avalanche of successes ready to be reaped. We all have dreams, desires, and passions that need not go unfullfilled in our lifetime. The book also helps the reader to see how he or she may obtain success without violating the rights of god or other people by aligning his or her values and beleifs intelligently. UTBW also teaches how adversities may be overcome in the pursuit of any goal. An Napolean Hill said, "Don't be afraid of a little opposition, Remember that the "kite" of success generally rises against the wind of adversity - not with it". Like a martial arts expert if one masters the skill of repetition of a successful skill he or she will reach their sought after treasure no matter how large or small. The book also helps the reader to ...
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