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Marina Steininger

Carbon Leakage. Ausmass und Gegenstrategie

Страниц: 36
Формат: 148x210
Книга "Carbon Leakage. Ausma? und Gegenstrategie".Seminar paper from the year 2015 in the subject Economy - Environment economics, grade: 1,0, Vienna University of Economics and Business (Volkswirtschaftslehre), course: Wirtschaftspolitik, language: English, abstract: This paper is a literary based economical analysis of the problem carbon leakage, its extent, arising consequences and possible counter strategies. Today plenty of research on carbon leakage is available. It includes, to name just a few, analyses on influences and extent of carbon leakage (Aichele (2013), Paroussos et.al., (2014), Aiginger, (2013)) and research of first and second-best solutions and possible counter strategies (Aichele (2013), Aroyo-Curras et.al., (2013), G?rlach, et.al., (2008)). The purpose of this paper is to investigate extent and counter strategies of carbon leakage. The current climate development is illustrated in the first passage. A brief description is important for efficient subsequent analysis. Following this summary, two major climate actions are introduced in chapter two: the Kyoto Protocol and the European Emissions Trading System. As a consequence of the implementation of unilateral climate approaches, the problem Carbon Leakage arises. When industrialised countries and specifically Europe introduces strict emission standards, costs of production of emission intensive industries rise. As a result of policies like carbon taxation, or the European emissions' pricing sys...
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