Ученый по своему назначению есть учитель человеческого рода.
Фихте И.

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Pauline Nguyen

The Way of the Spiritual Entrepreneur. The 7 secrets to becoming fearless, stress free and unshakable in business and in life

Страниц: 218
Every business leader and entrepreneur should strive for success as well as deep fulfilment and happiness. Few, however, if they are being honest, actually achieve their goals. This causes great disappointment and disillusionment. Many decide they must make a choice between these seemingly opposing states. Is it even possible to be spiritual, incredibly happy and fulfilled and wealthy – all at the same time?Entrepreneur Pauline Nguyen has achieved this in The Way of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, her path to transform your life from existence and struggle to peace, harmony, joy, fulfilment and lasting happiness, without sacrificing your business, your relationships or your health.Entrepreneurs live in the real world where ‘happiness’ alone won’t cut it. ‘Calm courage’ is what must also be cultivated in order to overcome the natural vicissitudes of life. The Way of the Spiritual Entrepreneur provides the tools and strategies you need to become fearless, stress free and unshakable – in businessand in life.Through its unique combination of science and spirituality, this powerful book provides seven secrets to give you the competitive edge and the unfair advantage in your daily life – and to discover the source of your own confidence, inspiration and fulfilment.The Way of the Spiritual Entrepreneur is about getting good at Life.
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