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Bob Waun

Between Empty Nesting and the old age home - Besting, Better Nesting. The New American Dream

Страниц: 112
Формат: 152x220
The U.S. Real Estate market is changing in dynamic ways. This book is a must read for anyone who earns their income in real estate. The second home market is a bright light in real estate, and this book examines some of the trends that every American needs to know. 78 Million Boomers will retire in 15 years or less. Empty Nesting is the first brief phase of the housing revolution, 'Besting or Better Nesting' is the next and most important home choice of this generation's lifetime. Besting is about lifestyle, desires and dreams. This book explores the numerous new housing options including: Condo Hotel, Fractional, Timeshare and destination clubs; that will be the choice of the Baby Boom generation. 103 quick pages will transform your view of real estate as we have known it. Rave reviews for the power of Besting from insiders in the real estate and resort industries.
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