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Oliver Schl?sser

Analysis of the divergence between theory and practice

Страниц: 72
Формат: 148x210
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: This management report identifies and analyses the major inefficiencies in the altering strategies of Covisint® ? the former proclaimed biggest electronic B2B-marketplace in the world ? from its inauguration until the present day. Covisint® was founded by a consortium of automotive OEMs, i.e. General Motors, Ford Motor Company, and DaimlerChrysler in the beginning of 2000. This electronic B2B-platform represented the intention to establish an industry-wide standard that every automotive company should be forced to use if it wants to generate business in future. Moreover, Covisint® represented the ambitious vision of the ?Big Three? to put their automotive supply chains on the Internet in order to improve their process efficiency in various ways. At that point of time many writers already called Covisint® ?the third revolution in the automotive industry? (Industrial-IT 2000, p. 13). As this chosen prominent example will show, many managerial failures have been made causing the marketplace?s continuous low performance. The management report mainly is based on 34 interviews conducted with automotive industry managers and experts from spring until autumn 2003. The extensive empirical research should allow obtaining an up-to-date and profound view of the interrelated inefficiencies in Covisint®?s strategies. The crucial issues on every of the detected three major strategies as standardised electronic B2B-marketplace for the global automotive industry (1. st...
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Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Эшли Баду-Аггри: подтверждена связь междуPаллергией и психическими расстройствами человека
Для анализа проявления двух групп заболеваний специалисты из Бристольского и Эдинбургского университетов использовали менделевскую рандомизацию для обработки данных пациентов из Биобанка Великобритании и выявили генетические варианты, определяющие конкретные аллергические заболевания, а затем проверили их на наличие связи с психическими расстройствами.

Эффективность физических упражнений зависит отPвремени суток и пола человека
[У женщин утренние упражнения уменьшают количество жира на животе и помогают стабилизировать кровяное давлениеk, 0рассказал один из организаторов исследования Пол Джей Арсьеро.