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David Rwanyamugabo, Stephen Mugabi

The Analysis of the causes of food price increase and policy options to enhance food security in Rwanda

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Формат: 148x210
Bachelor Thesis from the year 2018 in the subject Economics - Other, University of Rwanda (college of Business and Economics), course: Bsc.Economics, language: English, abstract: Market is the main arbiter of how the available food is distributed both within and between countries. Food price volatility informs consumers and price analysts and availability of food in the region. Food price surges reduce purchasing power of households that are weekly linked to markets and remain obstacle in the way to feed the poor adequately. thus, food price surges lead poor people to limit their food consumption and shift to even less balanced diets, with harmful effects on health in short and long run.The research found out that prices escalated from 2008-2015 and the major factors gearing food price volatility is said to be caused by a number of factors such as climatic changes, population explosion, Development of tourism which increased aggregate demand and joining world market.In the light of the government of Rwanda efforts are aimed to ensure food security to its population, food price volatility could capture the attention of the government of Rwanda, therefore food price policies should be oriented to stabilization of price of food commodities which price volatility granger cause price volatility in other food commodity prices.
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