Учение - только свет, по народной пословице, - оно также и свобода. Ничто так не освобождает человека, как знание...
Тургенев И. С.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Thomas Loska

Integrated Reporting. Towards a Framework for a Sustainable International Corporate Reporting

Страниц: 88
Формат: 148x210
Master's Thesis from the year 2011 in the subject Business economics - Accounting and Taxes, grade: 1,3, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, language: English, abstract: This library-based dissertation examines the topic "Integrated Reporting", which is aimed to integrate financial and non-financial information in one report. Doing this appropriately would result in a more accurate reflection of the company's business and further would lead to a sustainable development of the company. However, sustainability itself has been a developing issue, therefore, the idea of integrated reporting still is considered as work in progress. The aim of this dissertation is to bring more light into this issue. Insofar, it has been investi- gated in the requirements, which ensure the communication to all stakeholders and not merely the financial community. In this context the linkage between the report's financial and non-financial information plays a significant role. Given that, IFRS are standards of global level, and integrated reporting is aimed to be a global standard, the role of IFRS in an integrated report will be assessed. The literature review has indicated the current state of knowledge in terms of inte- grated reporting. This knowledge will be applied conducting two case studies of companies (BASF and Anglo Platinum), which already are reporting in an inte- grated manner. The research in this piece of work has shown that integrating is a step in...
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Бизнес образование

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