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А. Дистервег

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Yasir Khan

How can an average UK graduate prepare for retirement

Страниц: 44
Формат: 148x210
Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2015 in the subject Economics - Finance, grade: B+, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad (Institute of Management Sciences), course: Finance, language: English, abstract: Be it the modern age graduates, or the baby boomer generation, savings have always been a central point to ponder in regards to planning for the post-retirement future. Regardless of the fact that there are many today who may not appreciate savings, rather move on towards living their routine lives without planning, or their interest towards saving, there exists a lack of understanding of how one can prepare for retirement. Especially in the recent UK graduates, or more specifically the Millennials, there is a serious gap between acceptability and understanding planning for retirement. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the various intricacies and characteristics of pension planning, types of pensions, facts and figures regarding savings, and the significance of saving for the Millennials of the UK in light of comprehensive retrospect and primary research.
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Бизнес образование

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Кузбасский государственный технический ...
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Впервые в своей истории коллектив КузГТУ выиграл крупный грант на поддержку научных исследований в сфере гуманитарных наук.PКоллектив ученых, координируемый доцентом кафедры экономики Кузбасского государственного технического университета Евгением Евгеньевичем Жерновым, выиграл 3,5 млн руб. на развитие проекта [Формирование экономики знаний в ресурсодобывающем регионеk.