Человек не может по-настоящему усовершенствоваться, если не помогает усовершенствоваться другим.
Диккенс Ч.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Katharina Hauck

Crowdfunding as a Financing Tool for NGO Projects. An Analysis of Motivational Factors for Contribution

Страниц: 50
Формат: 148x210
Bachelor Thesis from the year 2015 in the subject Business economics - Investment and Finance, grade: 1,7, University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld (Wirtschaft und Gesundheit), language: English, abstract: Crowdfunding platforms give space to private persons and organizations to publish their projects online and ask for financial support. These projects can be either for profit or non-profit.Although data can, once put online, go viral in no time and become known to many people, there is still much effort needed to create an outstanding project which provides added value to the donor and is thus worth supporting and sharing. By far not every crowdfunding project is successful, and many fundraisers do not yet have the know-how to reach enough funders for their projects. Others even neglect to engage in crowdfunding in the first place, as new possibilities always come along with confusion and insecurity. The central aim of this thesis is therefore to examine how web-based crowdfunding projects must be designed and presented in order to satisfy prospective donors' needs. The main focus lays on the initiation of the funding process. Prospects shall be convinced to become contributors to a crowdfunding campaign in a sustainable, long-term oriented manner.In order to come to the right conclusions, it is necessary to analyze both the fundraisers' and the funders' point of view. First of all, it needs to be clarified how crowdfunding works and what possibilities there are...
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Бизнес образование

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Для любого ребёнка поступление в первый класс, в школу – чрезвычайно значимое событие. Однако все дети разные и по-разному адаптируются к новой обстановке.

Проблемы студенческой семьи
Студенты – народ, как известно, весёлый и незакомплексованный, многие любят проводить свободное время весело в компании сверстников, не особенно задумываясь о последствиях.