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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Daniel Schmidt

Entrepreneur's choice between Venture Capitalist and Business Angel for Start-Up Financing

Страниц: 56
Формат: 148x210
The study extends the literature on venture capital by examining whether entrepreneur's choice for an external investor and certain firm characteristics have an impact on venture success or not. The focus is set on the differences in value creation by venture capitalists and business angels for ventures of the high- and low-technology sector. The assessment of a data set including 252 Series A financing rounds by venture capitalist firms, business angels and collaborative investments of both investors conducted between 2005 and 2012 unveils value enhancing aspects for all three financing solutions. Overall, start-ups initially financed by venture capitalist firms perform best with regard to general venture success, whereas start-ups collaboratively supported by venture capitalists and business angels have the highest chances to exit successfully through a trade sale. It becomes further apparent that ventures located in one of the high-technology industries 'internet', 'pharmaceuticals' and 'high-tech', ventures that are longer established in the market and ventures whose Series A financing round was executed more recently indicate an enhanced likelihood of success.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Рейтинг ВУЗов России 2012 по версии «Эксперт РА»
В самом конце 2012 года был опубликован рейтинг ВУЗов России популярным рейтинговым агенством «Эксперт РА», составление которого было инициировано и поддержано фондом Олега Дерипаска «Вольное дело». Собственно, описание рейтинга и сам рейтинг под катом.

Студентов без ВУЗов в результате реорганизации не оставят
По словам главы Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации Дмитрия Ливанова, студенты, учащиеся в ВУЗах, которые в результате своей неэффективной работы будут подвержены реорганизации или же вовсе ликвидированы, продолжат свое обучение в других ВУЗах.