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Moritz Meyer, Shreyans Jain, Hujing Zheng

Accounting and Financial Analysis

Страниц: 56
Формат: 148x210
Document from the year 2017 in the subject Economics - Finance, grade: 65%, University of Strathclyde, course: Accounting and Financial Analysis, language: English, abstract: The purpose of this report is to present the best company from the peer group based on accounting and financial analysis. The peer group contains five companies from the industrial goods and services sector - Clarkson Plc, Stobart Group Ltd, Braemar Shipping Services Plc and Wincanton Ltd that listed on the main market of London Stock Exchange and Sutton Harbour Holdings Plc, which is listed on the Alternative Investment Market of London Stock Exchange. On the basis of analysis conducted, we highly recommend Clarkson Plc as a company worth of investment. The data used for production of this report is historical data which are publically available.In the summary section of this report, we will provide detailed background of the selected company, including its financial highlights as well as comparison with other four peers' financial performance.The accounting analysis presents an overview of the accounting policies in the peer group.The financial analysis is the last part of this report containing profitability, liquidity, efficiency analysis and financial structure. Lastly, a comparison of investment figures is provided.
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