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Chris Sebastian Heidrich

Foreign Currency Translation according to IAS 21 and IAS 39 in Consolidated Financial Statements considering intragroup Foreign Currency Hedging Strategies

Страниц: 120
Формат: 148x210
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: The paper deals with foreign currency translation under IAS/IFRS considering hedging strategies that help to minimize foreign currency exposures. It is broadly described, which currency exposures companies face, which basic hedging strategies exist and how they are accounted for in consolidated financial statements of international groups. After the foreign currency exposures are introduced and basic hedging strategies for each of these exposures are provided, the procedure of foreign currency translations according to IAS 21 (revised 2003) is introduced. The paper deals with the translation of transactions denominated in currencies other than the company?s home currency as well as with the inclusion of foreign subsidiaries in the consolidated financial statements. Therefore, various examples are provided. As the topic of the thesis is foreign currency hedging, a closer look is taken on IAS 39 (revised 2003) which includes introduction of the three kinds of hedging and their accounting as required by IAS 39. Especially the links between IAS 21 and IAS 39 are pointed out and analyzed. Also the section dealing with IAS 39 provides various examples that make the reader understand the accounting and consolidation procedures. At the end, exposure drafts of the IASB dealing with IAS 39 are introduced and the possible effects are briefly mentioned. This paper also includes a case study, based on the example of a big Chilean incorporated Company. This case stu...
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Бизнес образование

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Иностранные языки, перевод часов и докторская диссертация
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