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Roman Horschig

Developing an Innovative Teaching Concept. "Hidden Champions. Departure to Globalia"

Страниц: 148
Формат: 148x210
Master's Thesis from the year 2015 in the subject Business economics - Miscellaneous, grade: 1,0, , language: English, abstract: The aim of this thesis is to contribute valuable input to the process of teaching in general. New ideas and teaching concepts are required due to fast changing educational circumstances. By developing a teaching concept that increases the involvement of students throughout the whole semester this thesis adds new ideas in the area of modern teaching. Professors, students and other members of the staff have been interviewed to find out what good teaching is about. After gathering information and interpretation of the findings, the thesis describes teaching tools that fit into a new innovative teaching concept. Especially Hidden Champions show new ways to compete in a highly competitive market. Therefore the lecture, which is the basis of the whole concept, discusses these companies. They are extremely successful and mostly unknown by the general society. Hidden Champions and their factors for success are core topics of the thesis. Furthermore, elements like a power point presentation and the way of using the teaching tools are described. The results of the thesis show that many issues in teaching are already at a high quality level, but there are many possibilities to add new ideas. The point of improvement the thesis works on is to continuously motivate students throughout the whole semester.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

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