Когда совершенный человек обладает большими знаниями да к тому же ежедневно проверяет себя и анализирует свое поведение, тогда он мудр и не совершает ошибок.

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Alexander Esse

Pricing Interest Rate Risk Derivatives Using Binomial Trees with MATLAB

Страниц: 40
Формат: 148x210
Seminar paper from the year 2017 in the subject Business economics - Investment and Finance, grade: 1,00, University of Tubingen, language: English, abstract: In this assignment we approximate Oldrich Vasicek's (1977) term structure model with a binomial approach and show that it is convenient to use a recombining binomial tree to value interest rate derivatives in the Vasicek model.First, we illustrate that our applied binomial approximations converge to the dynamic continuous-time Vasicek model with an increasing number of time steps (subperiods). Furthermore, we apply the binomial approach to value a Discount Bond, Coupon Bond and a Futures Contract on both a Discount and Coupon Bond. The resulting approximations will be compared to the respective analytical solution, which we use as a benchmark.Thirdly, we determine the fair value of both an European and American Call and Put on a Discount Bond and Coupon Bond, respectively. We demonstrate that our estimated binomial prices converge with an increasing number of time steps. Moreover, we analyze both the behaviour of a Sraddle on a Discount Bond and the Early Exercise Premium of the considered American Options as a function of spot interest rates.We obtain all results shown in this report from the software "Matlab". Hence, the submitted "m.files" should be taken as a reference for a better understanding of the calculation procedures described in this report (Relevant Code is depicted in the Appendices).F...
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