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Твен Марк

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Thomas Kramer

Assessment of the Commercial Applicability of Artificial Intelligence in Electronic Businesses

Страниц: 82
Формат: 148x210
Abstract: Artificial intelligence has already been applied to many areas since its official birth in 1956, but most of the applications ended up in great disappointments as the benefits they reaped were very low. Due to this reason the vast interest in applying this relatively young technology to business calmed down in the late seventies when scientists recognized that the current intelligent systems were not yet plug-and-play solutions, hence mature enough to fully meet the business needs and requirements at that time. However, the limited commercial applicability of artificial intelligence in the past has to be rethought today as with the significant progress in artificial intelligence research and the growth of electronic commerce conducted over the World Wide Web new opportunities for business applications of artificial intelligence have emerged consequently. Nowadays horizontal and vertical electronic commerce is significantly driven by intelligent applications. Their employment in electronic businesses ?may well generate huge returns on investments, providing a technology-based response to increasing competition, the volatility of business models, and the pace of technology change?. Despite the wide assumption that artificial intelligence will have a major impact on Internet-related businesses today and especially in the next years to come, it is uncertain to what extent it performs and will perform that way. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse, assess and evaluat...
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Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Экспедиция нашла наPЭвересте ДНК собаки и курицы, которых там не должно быть
Подъем достиг 4,5 до 5,5 тысяч метров. Изучение проб воды показало, что на Эвересте были тихоходки и даже тибетские улары. Кроме того, специалисты обнаружили остатки ДНК собак и куриц, которые не смогли бы выжить на такой высоте.

Экспедиция в Атлантическом океане позволила обнаружить 12 новых видов живых существ
Международная экспедиция по Атлантическому океану, длившаяся около пяти лет, позволила ученым найти около 12-ти новых видов живых существ, которые обитали не его дне.