Жажда знания, как и жажда богатства, усиливается по мере того, как мы все больше приобретаем.
Л. Стерн

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Johann Sebastian Kann

Considerations for an Equity Underwriting on Nasdaq from the Perspective of an Investment Bank

Страниц: 116
Формат: 148x210
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: For the past ten years America has enjoyed a remarkably prolonged economic expansion. In 1998 and 1999 the international private investors community as well as institutional fund managers could follow an exceptional internet and e-commerce boom, reflected and followed by rising internet, biotech, pharmaceutical and new economy stocks. Especially Going Publics at that time were highly successful and an exceptionally easy way of raising capital for small and mid cap companies as well as new economy start ups. It must be said that the capital gains for day traders and speculators at that time were of low risk. This new economy boom, which was also called by pros dot com and new economy era ended in 2001, after sharp decreases in stock prices, massive losses on the US stock exchanges for institutional as well as private investors. Most of the dot com companies couldn?t perform as they thought and struggled with high debt and losses. From today?s perspective one can say that the massive international IPO floatings in the new economy were driven by too high expectations and wrong valuations. Unfortunately, in Austria, where the financial - and capital markets could be seen as rather ?thin?, small and mid cap companies have not even tried to go public in the United States of America on Nasdaq to raise capital and gain international reputation and size. Nevertheless in the future IPO?s are going to become more and more popular and important, also for Austrian ...
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Развитие памяти по методикам спецслужб
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Развитие памяти по методикам спецслужб
Эта книга - не совсем книга. Потому-что одновременно с ее чтением желательно выполнять упражения размещенные на сайте этой книги. Забыть про эти упражнения нельзя - ссылки и QR-коды на них щедро раскиданы по страницам книги. И читая книгу сайт с упражнениями начинает восприниматься как естественное и обязательное ее дополнение. А как назвать этого гибрида книги и сайта я не знаю. И Денис Букин, хоть его имя-фамилия приведены на обложке, не совсем его автор. Если дочитать книгу до кон...