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Johannes-Cornelius Adari, Henrik Thrane, Pascale Taube

The takeover of Rover Group Ltd. by BMW AG

Страниц: 88
Формат: 148x210
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: The target of this case study is to present and analyse the drastic false estimations made by BMW in planning and realising the Rover transition as well as its consequences. The worked out mistakes should be generalized in order to give opportunities of their avoidance for future M&A cases. After working out the M&A basics in the 1st chapter, the 2nd chapter deals with the reasons of BMW Management to buy another international manufacturer and gives a clue why the choice fell just on Rover. It opens with an overview of the economic development during the 6 years time period of the Rover takeover. After this, the economic and political environment is shown, also the market situation in the automobile segment in the year of the takeover, followed by the business course and goals of BMW as well as their alternatives. This chapter closes with the strategy and enterprise philosophy of BMW and with a list of the of the Rover Group?s assets in 1994. In the 3rd and 4th chapters of this case study the mistakes of the BMW management attempting to integrate Rover into the BMW portfolio are shown and analysed, as well as its consequences for BMW and Rover. The 5th chapter will end with the conclusion, why the Rover takeover went wrong. Zusammenfassung: Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die strategischen Ziele, die Tragweite und die m?glichen Folgen von M&A-Transaktionen in den Bereichen Finanzen (Investitionen und operatives Gesch?ft), Unternehmensf?hrung- und O...
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