Как на куче мусора, выброшенного на большую дорогу, может вырасти лотос, сладкопахнущий и радующий ум, так ученик поистине просветлённого выделяется мудростью среди слепых посредственностей, среди существ, подобных мусору.
Будда Гаутама Шакьямуни

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Vincent Schade

The inclusion of aviation in the European Emission Trading Scheme. Analyzing the scope of impact on the aviation industry

Страниц: 112
Формат: 148x210
A significant volume of literature already exists concerning the inclusion of aviation in the EU-ETS. Most of the research laid its focus on specific industry levels such as the individual airline, the aviation industry in general or macroeconomic aspects. In this context, these studies tried to anticipate market reactions triggered by the EU-ETS by analyzing specific issues such as the financial impact on airlines, changes in competitive behavior or implications for the overall industry development. As a consequence, the existing studies took only a limited market view and made assumptions about expected developments in specific fields of the aviation industry. However, at the time of writing this thesis, conclusions about the scope of impact could hardly be drawn from existing impact assessments because of the wide range of issues that exceeded the scope of most impact studies. Hence, a broader research approach is needed which takes different analytical perspectives to describe the scope of impact of the EU-ETS and depict potential effects for the aviation industry.
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