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Elisabeth Herrle

The promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises in the EU

Страниц: 38
Формат: 148x210
Seminar paper from the year 2006 in the subject Economics - International Economic Relations, grade: 1,0, , course: Monetary and Fiscal Policies of the European Union, 36 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: This essay provides basic information on the way the EU tries to promote small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This policy field is very complex as SMEs are affected by Community legislation on a host of issues. As a result, over the years, the institutions of the EU introduced a kaleidoscope of programmes targeted at SMEs to enhance their situation on the market. To examine the most important ones of these programmes, first and foremost, the promotion of SMEs will be integrated into the industrial policy of the EU: I will shed some light on the rationale for an industrial policy and the three different approaches to it. Furthermore, I will elaborate on the evolution of the industrial policy within the EU.In the second part, I will have a closer look at SMEs in Europe, how they are defined and what their role is in the European economy.After having given this background information, I will examine how the EU promotes SMEs. First of all, I will dwell on the European Charter for Small Enterprises followed by some information on the Multiannual Programme for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship. In addition, I will give some details on programmes to promote conditions conducive for entrepreneurial activity; The Entrepreneurship Action Plan and the eEurop...
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