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Benjamin H?tinger

Multilateral vs. Regional Economic Integration? - The Middle East and North African Region

Страниц: 124
Формат: 148x210
Diploma Thesis from the year 2009 in the subject Business economics - Economic Policy, grade: 2,3, University of Hohenheim, language: English, abstract: In this study it is intended to investigate today?s actual economic interdependence of what we would call the Middle East and North African (MENA) region and to analyze its economic interweaving, both among its member countries and into the global trading system.Being aware of the complexity and breadth of this topic, the author has chosen only three subset economic integration agreements, both between the countries of the MENA region (intraregional) - also comprising a subregional agreement - and between the MENA region and other regions (interregional), for closer analysis.Concerning the efforts made towards interregional economic integration, this thesis concentrates mainly on the so-called EU-MED Partnership which was initiated at the Barcelona Conference in 1995 and aims to establish an EU-Med Free Trade Area (EMFTA) by the year 2010 including the EU and the 12 so-called Mediterranean countrieswhich, apart from Malta, Cyprus and Turkey, all belong to the MENA region.In contrast, on the intraregional level, the latest initiative in 1997 will be examined, where 17 out of 22 Arab League member states - all of which also belong to the MENA region apart from Sudan - joined to constitute a "Greater Arab Free Trade Area" (GAFTA, mainly to get rid of traditional trade barriers for goods.On the smaller subregional level, ...
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4,5 миллиарда на обучение российских студентов в университетах мира
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