Пусть ученый забудет, что он сделал, как только это уже сделано, и пусть думает постоянно о том, что он еще должен сделать.
Фихте И.

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Dominik Bachmeier

Intra-EU Migration & Poland

Страниц: 32
Формат: 148x210
Seminar paper from the year 2018 in the subject Business economics - Personnel and Organisation, grade: 1,3, University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim, language: English, abstract: Though, there has been migration since the beginning of human life and migration within Europe is nothing new, the quantitative degree and even the reasons for migration within Europe have changed. One reason for that is the right of free movement within the EU, which was used by a total of 11.8 million people in 2016. However, the public debate on migration in Europe is primarily focusing on international migration from non-member states. In recent years this was dominated by the topic of the refugee crisis, which led to less attention for intra-EU migration. Nevertheless, intra-EU migration is a main cause for the high number of new immigrants, at least for Germany and the UK. In Germany, it has increased noticeable in recent years, while migration from non-EU countries has decreased. One of the most represented foreign communities in receiving countries are often Poles. Back in 2017 for example, Germany had more immigrants coming from Poland than ever before. The enlargement of the EU in 2004 and the connected freedom to work in other EU countries was one of the most important stimuli for emigration in Poland?s latest history. Even before the EU, there were high numbers of emigrants leaving. But the accession greatly enhanced migration, leading Poland to be one of the largest emigration countries...
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Новый самолет в 20 раз превышает скорость звука
Только недавно мы сообщали, что специалисты NASA, MicroCraft Inc, Orbital Sciences CorporationPсоздали гиперзвуковой беспилотный самолетP X-43A, который в 10 раз обгоняет скорость звука. И в будущем такие самолеты будут достигать любую точку планеты за 3-4 часа. Ведь уже в время тестирования он показал фантастическуюP скоростьP – 11230 км/ч. И вот снова новость из области самолетостроения. [...]

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