Тот идеал совершенства, который воплощают в себе учителя, слишком малопривлекателен, чтобы к нему стремиться.
К. Фрелих

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Markus Herbert Tyl

Mezzanine Capital in Europe

Страниц: 120
Формат: 148x210
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: In corporate finance two major decisions have to be made. One is the investment decision which means companies must decide which available opportunities they should invest in. The other one, the financing decision, also known as the capital structure decision, tries to answer the question of from where the money to finance investment projects should come. Money can either be raised internally, through retained earnings, or externally. Mezzanine capital, as a special type of external finance, therefore falls into the area of the financing decision. Although the use of mezzanine capital has increased in Europe in recent years, this special type of finance is still relatively unknown in some countries. Therefore, the purpose of my thesis is to familiarise the reader with this particular type of finance. It is structured in a way that it sequentially deals with the following questions: How did mezzanine develop? Can it offer an advantage compared to financing only with debt and equity? Which basic types of mezzanine instruments exist and how are they valued? When and where is mezzanine used? At the end, an example of a management buy-out in which mezzanine is used is provided. This will give important insights into the practical use of multiples to structure the deal, the mezzanine investment process, the investment criteria and the various exit routes that exist. The paper will be concluded with an overview on the European mezzanine landscape and on how r...
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Бизнес образование

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Вопрос взаимодействия бизнеса и науки стоит достаточно остро. Юным ученым часто не хватает заказчика и средств для продвижения своих разработок на рынке. Считается, что именно инновации должны стать одними из главных движущих сил развития экономики. Однако существует огромное количество нерешенных вопросов о том, как помочь молодым ученым вывести свои разработки за пределы научных лабораторий и исследовательских центров. В конце ноября в Научном центре РАН состоялся бал научной...

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